Home Career Advice Career development should start at an early age

Career development should start at an early age

Career development should start at an early age

So as the high school years drew to a close, you felt it coming. You were in a state of confusion on what you were going to do with your life. Some went to technical colleges, others to universities and various higher schools of learning that award students with certificates after they pass. No matter how exclusive or unique these institutions were, what is clear is that the working world is divided into distinctive job sectors. These are commercial, technological, industrial, technical, political, legal, agricultural, arts, and tourism sectors, some intertwining with others. This might appear like a lot to the average job seeker. Not to despair. A lot is less with information and guidance.

Choosing a career might appear to be one of the most difficult things to do but the definition of the word itself is an eye-opener. Philosophically speaking, a career can be defined as one’s calling. More close to reality, however, it is one’s occupation or profession. It is whatever one devotes their time, energy and knowledge to with the condition of remuneration at regular intervals. Then comes the imperative question. How can one develop themselves to be attractive to the job market they seek to join? Self-introspection is essential. One should know their strengths and weaknesses in order to fully realize themselves. Are you confident, shy, smart, skilled? Your qualities scream louder than your qualifications as they are what people see first when you meet them. Knowing yourself is therefore the ultimate yardstick of a career choice as it deductively focuses you into the sector that best suits your qualifications and interests.

Having settled on a career path (after marrying your qualifications and interests), comes the job-hunting phase. The most effective tools are the Curriculum Vitae (C.V) and networking. A well-written C.V increases the job seeker’s chances of getting called for an interview and potentially selection for the position. Networking is also as important to the job seeker. While one awaits responses after dispatching their C.Vs to various institutions of choice, they should keep an ear on the ground concerning upcoming events such as conferences, conventions and workshops. These places are where established career holders usually spend time to mix, educate and inspire the next generation of workers. There, one can learn invaluable career lessons and might even meet like-minded people and create beneficial relationships.

So you finally get called for that interview. That is only half the battle. There is still the indomitable interviewer to impress. They will only select the best. The golden trick a job seeker can use to stand out from the rest is to research the company that has called them for the interview. Every employer admires a candidate who knows their establishment’s history and work. Before answering questions, one should listen attentively to avoid digressing or answering their own questions.

In conclusion, careers are like shoes. The best wear is that which fits. One just needs to know their size.


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