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Privacy Policy

Terms and Conditions & Privacy Statement

By using www.vacancymail.com you hereby agree to the terms and conditions of use as laid out below:

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This is a summary of our privacy policy and contains the most important and relevant points for you.


We collect certain information

  • on registration, when you register on our website
  • when you place an ad or make use of our other services, necessary to provide the service to you
  • from your web browse
  • from cookies we may send to your computer and from web beacons on our website to track how you use our website and to try and give you a personalised experience; and
  • optional information, that you provide when you upload or download content from our website or when you enter competitions, take advantage of promotions, respond to surveys or register and subscribe for certain additional services.


We may use your information

  • to send you administrative messages and email updates to you regarding the website;
  • to send you marketing material from time to time that might be relevant to you. Any information you have submitted on any of the company sites, including but not limited to Vacancy Mail can be used for communicative purposes.
  • collected while you are browsing the website, for current and future marketing purposes. You can opt-out of marketing communications with us at any time.
  • targeted content in certain, specified instances
  • content from our third-party marketing partners or sponsors.


We might disclose your information in the specific circumstances mentioned in this policy

Your choices

  • you can opt-out of marketing communications with us.

Contact us

You can contact us with privacy related questions at admin@vacancymail.com


The text, graphics, logos, icons, designs, colours, sounds, maps, links, layout and trademarks are the intellectual property of Vacancy Mail and are as such protected by South African and international intellectual Property law.


Under no circumstances may any person, entity or website reproduce, without written permission from an authorised Vacancy Mail representative, any of the content of this site including, but not restricted to, text, graphics, logos, icons, designs, colours, sounds, maps and links. All rights therein remain reserved.

The use of this web site is entirely voluntary and the user hereby respectively indemnifies and hold harmless Vacancy, their successors and assigns, their respective officers, directors, employees, servants and agents from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, suits, judgments, expenses, damages including consequential damages, penalties, fines or indemnity payments of whatsoever kind and nature arising from or in any way connected with the use of this site and/or information contained therein. The foregoing indemnity shall not extend to any claim to the extent that such claim is caused solely by the gross negligence or willful misconduct by either of Vacancy Mail.

The views and statements contained herein do not express the views of Vacancy Mail Limited or any of its employees, agents, and associates and none of the views and statements contained herein relating to the topicality of any issues, views or statements on this website is shared by Vacancy Mail, its employees, agents and associates, and the reader acknowledge Vacancy Mail, its employees, agents and associates to be free from any liability in this regard.

Vacancy Mail and its employees and associates do not make any representation or give any warranties, whether expressly or impliedly relating to correctness, completeness or quality of any information, views or statements on this website. Vacancy Mail, its employees, agents and associates, being free from any liability in this regard.

Our goal is to give you, the user as much control and information as possible regarding your personal information and how it is used in the operation of this web site.

Vacancy Mail is entitled to retrieve, process and store user data as well as the use of the same for its own internal purposes.

Vacancy Mail will never sell, rent, disclose or impart in any way your personally identifiable information to Third Parties without your consent unless compelled by law or court order to do so.

With your permission Vacancy Mail may send you e-mail via the internal messaging system to inform you of new products, services and upgrades.

Vacancy Mail, their successors and assigns, their respective officers, directors, employees, servants and agents are not responsible for personal information that is collected as part of Third Party products or services that are available on the Vacancy Mail web site.

Vacancy Mail itself does not furnish any warranty whatsoever in terms of the contract existing between the user and the Third Party.

Vacancy Mail also does not in any way furnish any warranty for The correctness and completeness of particulars contained in the offers, guarantees and declarations regarding the offers and services,
The offers and services as such, and
The respective conduct and ability to deliver in terms of the contract between Employer and Jobseeker

Vacancy Mail uses various methods to collect certain user information, including Cookies, Referrers, IP addresses, System information.

None of these methods can be personally identified with you with the exception of cookies.

Tech Stuff

Vacancy Mail will make all reasonable efforts to comply with this privacy statement and will take prompt corrective action when it learns of any failure to comply with its privacy statement. Due to the complex and constantly changing nature of our technology and business, Vacancy Mail does not guarantee error-free performance under this privacy statement. In the context of the above, Vacancy Mail cannot be held liable for any damages whatsoever that may result from a technical malfunction or any damages relating to this privacy statement.

The use of this web site is entirely voluntary and the user hereby respectively indemnifies and hold harmless Vacancy Mail, their successors and assigns, their respective officers, directors, employees, servants and agents from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, suits, judgments, expenses, damages including consequential damages, penalties, fines or indemnity payments of whatsoever kind and nature arising from or in any way connected with the use of this site and/or information contained therein.

The foregoing indemnity shall not extend to any claim to the extent that such claim is caused solely by the gross negligence or wilful misconduct by either of or both, Vacancy Mail and Vacancy Mail.

Third-Party Products and services are available on Vacancy Mail. Itself does not furnish any warranty whatsoever in terms of the contract existing between the user and the Third Party.

Vacancy Mail. also does not in any way furnish any warranty for:
The correctness and completeness of particulars contained in the offers, guarantees and declarations regarding the offers and services,
The offers and services as such, and
The respective conduct and ability to deliver in terms of the contract of the Employer and Jobseeker.


The publisher retains the right to all “work”, hereinafter defined as any text, graphics, advertising or lineage published or appearing within “Vacancy Mail”. All such work is wholly the property of the publisher and may not be copied, quoted or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to revise or reject, in whole or in part, any advertisement or submission without notice and for any reason.

Technical Failure

It is generally accepted that within the current state of technology it is not possible to develop and to use computer programmes (software) and data-processing systems (hardware) which completely error-free as well as exclude all eventualities in relation to the Internet Medium (hereafter referred to as “Technical Failure”). Vacancy Mail in this regard is not liable for any unrelated damages whatsoever that may arise from the participation.

In particular Vacancy Mail is not liable for damages arising from technical failure where

Governing Law

The use of this site shall be subject to, governed by and construed in all respects with the laws of the Republic of South Africa. Users of this platform must have attained the majority age of 18 years.


Should any paragraphs or provisions of this disclaimer be found to be invalid or unenforceable in any way, such clause or provision shall be deemed to be separate and divisible from the remaining paragraphs and provisions of the User Agreement, and the validity and unenforceability of the remaining paragraphs and provisions shall not be affected in any way.

Copyright © 2020 Vacancy Mail Media (Private) Limited