Home Career Advice You can now apply for SASSA grants online

You can now apply for SASSA grants online

You can now apply for SASSA grants online

Social grant applicants will now be able to apply for certain grants online according to the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA). According to SASSA CEO Ms Totsie Memela, her organisation is launching an online portal today that will allow applicants to access certain functions that previously needed them to physically visit their offices. 

Memela assurred the nation today as she was speaking to eNCA that here will be no more long queues for social grants applicants.

I think what we learnt through this Covid-19 period and the work that we have done in the past six months which was part of the digital transformation that we were going to embark on, we have fast tracked some of the thinking that we already had to allow clients to have a choice in terms of how they can apply for their social grants.

The portal will help us to ensure we are able to vet the information of clients like we have learnt over the period. We will link up with other government agencies to be able to get the information.

Theh two types of clients that we are going to start with are the elderly and the child support grants. We will perform the pilot project for the next ten days to get feedback from applicants inorder for us to improve the processes.

This will not replace the face to face applicants that we currently have but we are giving our clients a choice

Documents needed to apply for SASSA grants online

Key information usually needed

  1. Marriage certificate and spouse details for joint income
  2. National Identity Document
  3. Birth Certificates
  4. Any other important work documents

Previously the SASSA applications were only made through face to face


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