Home Career Advice The Most Sought After Jobs in South Africa

The Most Sought After Jobs in South Africa

The Most Sought After Jobs in South Africa

The Most Sought After Jobs in SA

The most sought after jobs in South Africa are those jobs that are always available each year. These jobs usually lake stuff and the more people the better. Demands for jobs may vary each century and that causes changes in career choices so it is better to go for a job that is always going to be in demand for international countries like South Africa. In this article, let’s discuss the ten most sought after jobs in South Africa. Knowing this will help an individual to know what job to look for after college. Even before going to college, one should know these jobs so that he or she can get employed soon after college.

Most sought out jobs in South Africa are categorised based on two main things about people, that is social and anti-social. People usually go for what they like thus those who fancy socialising will always go after jobs that allow them to socialise and those jobs are in demand too. It is the same for anti-social people. To begin with, let’s take a look at some jobs that were in demand in the last few years but are no longer most popular.

5 Jobs that are no longer popular like before:
1. Advertising jobs
2.Admin jobs
3. Office jobs
4. Support jobs
5. Medical sector jobs

These jobs have decreased in demand because organisation are improving their career development every now and then. They train their employees for such jobs so they won’t is a need for recruiting more personals for the job. They are easy to teach between co-workers.

Ten Most Sought After Jobs in SA

Jobs are considered to be in demand if they are high paying and short of stuff to do the work. To add to that they are the types of jobs that when looked at one can say that for sure the next year will be another year of work.

most sought after jobs in South Africa

These jobs that are in demand in South Africa include :
1. Home Health aide
2. Nursing assistant
3. Construction work
4. Physical therapy aide
5. Medical technologist
6. Truck Driver
7. Operations research analyst
8. Actuary
9. Software developers
10. Information technology

Reasons why these ten jobs are in demand in South Africa
The above ten jobs are most sought after for various reasons. On this section, we will know the reasons for choosing each of these jobs.

1. Home health aide
Home health aide helps clients from their homes or old age home. They help personals to take their medications on time, to be hygienic and dress them. Home health aide helps support a client’s health. This is always in demand because people always get sick and grow old so they need care and support. It also pays well at the end of the month.

2. Nursing assistant
These assist registered nurses in their jobs in all medical facilities working under them. In hospitals, their duty is taking of a patient’s needs. They take vital signs to help monitor the patient’s recuperation. They serve food to the patient, help with the personal hygiene of a patient and keep records of the patient’s health.

3. Construction worker
These jobs are mainly for clearing of construction sites so that construction of a building can be made. The workers help in building a framework or platform to support the building and the people that will work there. They operate heavy machinery that carries the building materials for construction. There are always new buildings to be constructed thus they are always in demand.

4. Physical therapy aide
These aides as their occupation suggest they help physical therapists in doing their job. They assist in appointment making and exercising of the patient. They set up equipment for appointments so that they go well. They are really helpful to both patients and therapists.

5. Medical technologists
This job is all about operating medical equipment for scanning and testing. They collect samples of body fluids and aid in testing and then report on the results. Medical technologists work with experts and determine the diagnosis based on the results of body fluids. They usually work in laboratories.

6. Truck driver
Driving a truck from one place to another in SouthAfrica and across the continent is a very important job that is viable. Many companies want truck drivers to deliver their products from warehouses to retail shops. They usually travel for long distances with minimum rest and are hardworking as they have to load and unload the cargo.

7. Operations research analyst
These professionals analyse data from companies to identify the problems in the workplace. Once they have realised the problems they help both the employees and employers to solve the problem amicably. They advise the management party on how to deal with workplace problems and how to succeed in their company. Thes analyst is very useful to every growing company to increase its revenue.

8. Actuary
An actuary operates with uncertainties to ensure there is less risk of bankruptcy in a company. They usually work with insurance premiums and pension contributions in South Africa. Insurance companies are increasing in SA thus actuary is also growing in demand to help the companies to stay afloat.

9. Software developers
It is one of the most sought after jobs in South Africa. They develop and design software programs for a company. They improve the computer systems to perform on its best. The skills and knowledge showed by these professionals are useful to various companies.

10. Information technology
Information technology managers are on the list of most sought out jobs in South Africa because they are there to build a technological system that is efficient in the growing of a business. They show strategies and operational requirements in the system of work in the organisation.

There are also some sought after jobs in South Africa not discussed above and they are also increasing in demand. These include Beauty therapists, financial accounting and manufacturing jobs. They pay well and is in high demand as of yet. When choosing a job after college course consider which available jobs are in the country. Those who want to move to SA hopefully this article has helped you to decide which job to go for.



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